Gospel Partners in Angola

by Ms Astrid Haskins

Teaching English to three Angolan Bishops was a unique and rewarding experience. As complete beginners to the language, they were remarkably dedicated and hardworking. Initially, I felt I was the teacher, but ended up learning as much as I taught. Their ability to laugh at their mistakes and light-hearted approach to learning as older men brought a refreshing and joyful atmosphere to the class. The progress of all men was notable, and their humility and willingness to learn was inspiring. Although two of the three men needed to return home, Bishop Augusto remained for a couple of months and I look forward to continuing English lessons online with him once he’s settled back into life in Angola.

Bishop Augusto has this to say, “⁠I have 46 parishes, 90 congregations and a total of 130 churches in my Diocese of Christ of the King, Uíge City, north of Angola. ⁠Given my experience, I was very pleased with the welcome I received at GWC and their support in meeting our needs. ⁠I would like to continue the partnership in the field of training workers in theology and in the English language.”

Another of the bishops, Bondo, wrote, “Fraternal greetings in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I am Bishop of the Diocese Divina Esperança located south of Luanda. I direct 17 parishes and 14 congregations. During our time at GWC we were well received and had full support from the administrative team. We had food support and a good community. In terms of partnership, I would like us to continue our partnership in theological training.”

This is just one of the many ways that GWC is working with believers across our continent to strengthen ties, deepen theology, and serve God’s people.