Plans for Greater Accessibility at the College

The slow and faulty lift operating in the main building at GWC has cost the college community  a  lot financially and in terms of accessibility over the years.

The current lift set-up is stainless steel cladding along two sides of the interior with folding bars along the two opposite sides for entrance and exit to the floors. In addition to any problems caused by mechanical breakdowns, there is also the difficulty of restricted access to the auditorium on the second floor due to the offices built adjacent to the lift.

We believe that our students and staff would benefit hugely from installing a new lift, which will be built by the stairwell outside the library and able to service all the floors without passing through any offices. It will also have a greater capacity than the existing lift’s maximum of two people. Because of the pressing need for access and our frustrated efforts to have the current lift repaired (related to auditing and certification), we’ve decided to move forward and replace it.

The total cost of the new lift in our main building is approximately R1 300 000, which includes a large scenic elevator, associated building works, professional fees, and council scrutiny costs. Be praying for us as we continue to raise capital for this project, and please get in touch with the college if you would like to contribute to it.



Donate towards the lift here and use the reference: GWC Lift