Seeds for Hope, Legacy and Bequests

‘To shape minds via a classical theological education, nurture hearts devoted to Christian service, and train voices to effectively communicate the Word of God.’
As Christians we are assured, in 1 Peter 1:4, of ‘…an inheritance that will never perish, spoil or fade…’ kept in heaven for us. Others are able to share in this eternal inheritance as the Gospel is shared by our alumni.
A gift through your Will or Living Trust is one of the most effective ways to provide for GWC’s future.
By giving to GWC in your Will or Living Trust, you are able to retain your assets throughout your lifetime.
In addition, your estate, if large enough to pay estate taxes, may benefit from a charitable estate tax deduction.
Remember, you are able to change your Will at any time.
There are different ways to include GWC in your Will. You may wish to leave GWC:
- A stated monetary amount
- A percentage of your residual estate (whatever remains after debts, expenses, taxes, and specific bequests have been paid) or
- A special asset, such as securities or other marketable property.
- You can give an unrestricted gift, which gives GWC the flexibility to use funds where most needed, or you can choose to give specifically to the following projects.
Your gift will be used accordingly:
– Bursaries for Disadvantaged Students
– Explore Programme
– GWC General Fund
Whatever you decide, we commit to using your donation wisely towards the fulfilment of our vision.
If you wish to make a gift to GWC through your Will, download and print this codicil which contains the GWC information required, to give to your Attorney.
Click here to download and print required information for the writing of a codicil
We understand that making a Will is very personal. It is useful for the College to know if we are included in your Will, but it is not necessary that you inform us of your decision to do so.
To discuss any matters concerning Legacy and Bequest giving please contact Alison Lee, GWC Executive Ambassador, on 021 788 1652 |